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股权投资 - 信息索引
股权投资 博硕士 2019年- 股权投资 博硕士 股权投资2016年-2019年 股权投资2014年-2015年 股权投资2012年-2013年 股权投资2009年-2011年 股权投资1978年-2008年

4245 现金流、股权结构与中国上市公司投资行为 王治 当代经济管理 2008-12-25
4246 长期股权投资业务核算方法解析 马红;?金爱茹 商场现代化 2008-12-20
4247 外商投资企业投资者股权转让若干问题的思考 王方方 广东广播电视大学学报 2008-12-20
4248 浅议长期股权投资现金股利的会计处理 黄嵘 钦州学院学报 2008-12-20
4249 我国私募股权投资基金发展现状分析 栾华;?李珂 山东财政学院学报 2008-12-20
4250 金融机构投资私募股权“基金的基金”——基于案例的研究 何小锋;?胡渊 改革与战略 2008-12-20
4251 我国私募股权投资相关法律问题初探 钱大治 上海交通大学 2008-12-20
4252 2008年10月中国创业投资及私募股权投资市场募资研究报告 长三角 2008-12-15
4253 浅析通过规范公司法人治理强化企业长期股权投资管理 陈焱 新疆钢铁 2008-12-15
4254 论私人股权投资(PE)在信托公司业务转型过程中的核心作用 姚大跃 内蒙古金融研究 2008-12-15
4255 How Retired Households and Households Approaching Retirement Handle Their?Equity Investments?in the United States Christine W. Lai Journal of Family and Economic Issues 2008-12-15
4256 Private?Equity Investments?and Disclosure Policy Christof Beuselinck;?Marc Deloof;?Sophie Manigart European Accounting Review 2008-12-15
4257 私募股权投资在中国的发展及实践 张勇 东北大学  2008-12-11
4258 新准则下长期股权投资的解析 支雪娥 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-12-10
4259 长期股权投资相关递延所得税的会计处理 赵玉霞 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-12-10
4260 中国私募股权投资基金发展分析 李政 商场现代化 2008-12-10
4261 合并报表中长期股权投资抵销处理浅析 王燕红 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-12-10
4262 长期股权投资权益法核算存在的问题及改进 应永胜 财会月刊 2008-12-5
4263 律师在私募股权投资进入企业过程中的作用及实务操作 胡振飞 中国律师 2008-12-1
4264 从股权直接投资看我国证券公司新的盈利模式 洪曣 现代商贸工业 2008-12-1
4265 加强信银合作 发展信托型股权投资基金 刘伟林 中国金融 2008-12-1
4266 股权投资日渐成为北京金融发展的新空间 吉林 资本市场 2008-12-1
4267 关注金融危机下的股权投资 资本市场 2008-12-1
4268 要进一步提高对股权投资重要性的认识 邵秉仁 资本市场 2008-12-1
4269 保监会高度重视投资股权基金的问题 袁力 资本市场 2008-12-1
4270 我国私人股权投资信托的现状和运作机制研究 贾不多 西南财经大学 2008-12-1
4271 股权投资的税收问题研究 张泽峰 现代商业 2008-11-28
4272 与长期股权投资有关的暂时性差异的会计处理 温玉彪 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-11-25
4273 长期股权投资新旧会计准则比较研究 苏艳芝 金融经济 2008-11-25
4274 新会计准则中长期股权投资的会计处理探析 万钧 金融经济 2008-11-25
4275 私募股权投资(产业投资基金)的现状、问题以及建议 魏晓华 金融经济 2008-11-25
4276 浅谈我国私募股权投资发展形势 王琳 金融经济 2008-11-25
4277 中国A股权证市场投资价值研究 吴敏晓;?蓝发钦 特区经济 2008-11-25
4278 2008年后产品创新的发展方向之一——私募股权投资信托(PE信托) 张丹月 黑龙江科技信息 2008-11-25
4279 长期股权投资会计与税务处理的差异 王妍 中国新技术新产品 2008-11-25
4280 我国私募股权投资基金发展研究 占超;?夏球;?宋珊 财会月刊 2008-11-25
4281 自由现金流量、股权结构与我国上市公司投资问题研究 汪平;?孙士霞 第七届全国财务理论与实践研讨会论文集 2008-11-25
4282 长期股权投资应用公允价值的利弊分析 张莺 商业会计 2008-11-20
4283 长期股权投资成本法与权益法会计处理 张小璇 辽宁经济 2008-11-18
4284 谈以房地产进行长期股权投资的会计及税务处理 周新标 财经界(学术版) 2008-11-15
4285 浅析权益法下长期股权投资新准则和税法的差异 杜敏;?田慧 新课程研究(职业教育) 2008-11-15
4286 长期股权投资会计与税法的差异分析 贾婧 山西财税 2008-11-15
4287 新股权投资准则对企业的影响研究——基于重庆市A股上市公司的数据 蔡利;?陈幸 中国商界(下半月) 2008-11-15
4288 私募股权投资 宁波通讯 2008-11-15
4289 内部现金流、股权结构对上市公司投资行为影响研究 王治 财会月刊 2008-11-15
4290 试论新准则下长期股权投资的会计核算 谷佳夫 中国新技术新产品 2008-11-10
4291 长期股权投资成本法转权益法会计处理探讨 姜海华 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-11-10
4292 成本法下长期股权投资后续计量核算浅析 荣树新 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-11-10
4293 长期股权投资成本法核算辅助账的设置与运用 赵严翠 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-11-10
4294 长期股权投资成本法核算浅探 张卓;?王永霞 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-11-10
4295 非同一控制下长期股权投资的调整及抵销处理 刘三昌 财会月刊 2008-11-5
4296 危机下股权投资的“绿色金矿” 郭莉 投资北京 2008-11-5
4297 股权投资:掘金才刚刚开始 投资北京 2008-11-5
4298 中国私募股权投资基金行业问题研究 沈跃武;?韩博印 中国高新技术企业 2008-11-1
4299 股权异质下的农村信用社法人治理结构——基于资格股与投资股冲突共存的视角 中国人民银行成都分行金融研究处课题组;?何明生 财经科学 2008-11-1
4300 我国私募股权投资基金发展研究 门磊 西南财经大学 2008-11-1
4301 私人股权投资基金的中国发展探析 陈粤苏 西南财经大学 2008-11-1
4302 信托型私募股权投资运作机制研究 王莉 中南大学 2008-11-1
4303 风险投资、股权结构与创业绩效 候建仁;?李强;?曾勇 第三届(2008)中国管理学年会——组织与战略分会场论文集 2008-11-1
4304 私募股权投资基金法律监管研究 时峰 华东政法大学 2008-10-31
4305 浅议长期股权投资 李云 现代商业 2008-10-28
4306 私募股权投资模式中的优先权问题研究 赵毅 华东政法大学 2008-10-28
4307 长期股权投资成本法与权益法转换浅析 闫六生 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-10-25
4308 合并资产负债表中长期股权投资与子公司所有者权益抵销的会计处理 陈光 财会月刊 2008-10-25
4309 私募股权投资基金组织模式分析——一个治理结构的视角 宋晓燕 上海财经大学学报 2008-10-20
4310 浅谈长期股权投资与企业合并的会计核算 印明华 天津经济 2008-10-20
4311 我国私募股权投资基金的发展和运作思考——以苏州盛商联投(有限合伙)为例 吴涛 复旦大学 2008-10-18
4312 长期股权投资成本新准则与税法差异 高巍 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-10-15
4313 长期股权投资核算方法转换的会计处理 欧阳琴;?郭长平 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-10-15
4314 长期股权投资成本法处理技巧 曾馨瑢 会计之友(中旬刊) 2008-10-15
4315 浅谈私募股权投资基金风险控制策略 贾睿;?黄青 中国高校科技与产业化 2008-10-15
4316 长期股权投资成本法下投资收益的确认 陈志娟 国际商务财会 2008-10-10
4317 天津滨海新区应如何规范发展私募股权投资基金 李竹兰;?孙学亮;?郝寿义 开放导报 2008-10-8
4318 基于股权——债权条件下风险投资的激励机制分析 张新立;?杨德礼;?霍彪 数学的实践与认识 2008-10-8
4319 私募股权投资在中国—凯雷收购徐工案例分析 刘昌虎 复旦大学 2008-10-8
4320 长期股权投资相关问题探究 沈红 财会研究 2008-10-5
4321 创业投资与企业快速成长——2008中国创业投资暨私募股权投资中期论坛之一 邓媚颖 科技创业 2008-10-5
4322 长期股权投资成本法下现金股利会计处理的新思路 沈星元 财会月刊 2008-10-5
4323 新经济形式下长期股权投资盈余管理初探 叶丰滢 财会月刊 2008-10-5
4324 长期股权投资成本法新解 许悦;?刘景祥 财会月刊 2008-10-5
4325 长期股权投资成本法会计处理的探讨 刘胜强;?毛洪伟 财会月刊 2008-10-5
4326 长期股权投资成本法之优化 荣树新;?胡永红 财会月刊 2008-10-5
4327 股权结构、公司投资与经营绩效 初建学;?王倩 东岳论丛 2008-9-25
4328 长期股权投资成本法转为权益法的会计处理与所得税调整 赵建华 扬州大学税务学院学报 2008-9-25
4329 新准则对长期股权投资计量方法的相关规定 杨艳 金融经济 2008-9-25
4330 解析我国新准则中长期股权投资的有关规定 王慕蓉 消费导刊 2008-9-23
4331 试谈长期股权投资的会计处理 贾国盛 商业会计 2008-9-20
4332 长期股权投资核算中引入公允价值和商誉的思考 吴亚芳 商场现代化 2008-9-20
4333 上市公司股权融资与投资行为研究——基于非有效市场视角 郝颖;?刘星 科研管理 2008-9-20
4334 股权继承章程规制与台胞投资权益保护 李锐 发展研究 2008-9-20
4335 长期股权投资成本法简化的账务处理 赵春秀 时代经贸(下旬刊) 2008-9-20
4336 浅谈具有中国特色的长期股权投资和企业合并 王明伟 时代经贸(下旬刊) 2008-9-20
4337 浅析公允价值在长期股权投资核算中的应用 严娟 黑河学刊 2008-9-20
4338 《长期股权投资核算方法》教学难点分析 严萍 湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版.素质教育研究) 2008-9-15
4339 关于长期股权投资的新旧会计准则的比较 王高华 黑龙江科技信息 2008-9-15
4340 股权集中、股权制衡与过度投资 袁玲;?杨兴全 河北经贸大学学报 2008-9-15
4341 制定支持政策 促进我国股权投资发展 贺强;?曾琨杰 价格理论与实践 2008-9-15
4342 权益法下长期股权投资的会计处理例解 黄静;?唐朝富 财政监督 2008-9-15
4343 成长能力与企业负债、投资水平及股权结构关系——基于机械仪表制造业上市公司的实证研究 向云云 全国商情(经济理论研究) 2008-9-14
4344 长期股权投资评估的方法及会计处理 王宝银 商业会计 2008-9-10
4345 长期股权投资核算方法转换思考 胡凯;?李学红 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-9-10
4346 长期股权投资权益法核算问题及对策 苏明 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-9-10
4347 财政部《<国家农业综合开发投资参股国有股权收益收缴管理办法>》补充规定 农村财政与财务 2008-9-10
4348 私募股权投资基金研究:文献综述 黄晓捷;?赵忠义 武汉金融 2008-9-10
4349 私募股权投资公司上市模式比较研究 吴继忠 证券市场导报 2008-9-10
4350 新会计准则下长期股权投资对上市公司利润的影响 肖欢明 消费导刊 2008-9-8
4351 私募股权投资业务发展 陈国强;?袁宏泉 银行家 2008-9-5
4352 对权益法下长期股权投资的思考 申屠新飞 财会月刊 2008-9-5
4353 对我国私募股权基金投资新动向的思考 刘国泰;?翁黎棋 商场现代化 2008-9-1
4354 如何促进股权投资基金在中国的发展 萧伟强 资本市场 2008-9-1
4355 透析私募股权基金的投资运作模式 李连发;?李波 资本市场 2008-9-1
4356 AVCJ私募股权与创业投资上半年度报告显示增长放缓 资本市场 2008-9-1
4357 股权结构与企业投资多元化关系研究综述 黄绪华 科技信息(科学教研) 2008-9-1
4358 成本法下长期股权投资成本调整的方法——累计法 史王民 中国管理信息化 2008-9-1
4359 企业合并中长期股权投资所得税的差异分析 张爱军 商业文化(学术版) 2008-8-25
4360 私募股权投资阳光化中的法律风险 林蔚文 厦门特区党校学报 2008-8-25
4361 浅析新会计准则对长期股权投资初始成本的确认 占琳 经济研究导刊 2008-8-25
4362 跨国公司在华投资企业股权结构变动的实证分析 周新军 兰州商学院学报 2008-8-20
4363 保险资金私募股权投资模式研究 步倩 商业时代 2008-8-20
4364 长期股权投资成本法下投资收益会计处理探讨 朱毅芬 福建商业高等专科学校学报 2008-8-20
4365 打造股权投资基金中心 推动滨海新区直接融资 港口经济 2008-8-20
4366 加快福建省私募股权投资基金发展的思考 辛如冰 发展研究 2008-8-20
4367 私募股权投资在中国的发展 王丹 经济研究参考 2008-8-16
4368 全球私募股权投资基金的发展与启示 黄晓捷;?马尧;?翟彦垒 国际金融 2008-8-15
4369 高管人员股权激励与投资决策关系的实证研究 罗富碧;?冉茂盛;?杜家廷 会计研究 2008-8-15
4370 AVCJ亚洲私募股权与创业投资2008年中国论坛圆满闭幕 资本市场 2008-8-15
4371 试论拟上市公司股权投资有关问题 常红军 甘肃金融 2008-8-15
4372 我国私募股权投资发展的障碍及对策研究 汪波 中国物价 2008-8-15
4373 浅析《企业会计准则第2号——长期股权投资》的主要变化及其措施 郑晓琼;?李丽琼 职业 2008-8-15
4374 2008中国创业投资暨私募股权投资中期论坛在杭召开 清发 杭州科技 2008-8-15
4375 企业合并中长期股权投资核算方法探讨 何情 财政监督 2008-8-15
4376 私募股权投资及其在中国的发展现状 苏宁;?刘虹 全国商情(经济理论研究) 2008-8-14
4377 新会计准则下长期股权投资与企业合并若干会计核算问题初探 夏擎;?廖伟 商业会计 2008-8-10
4378 长期股权投资计量模式探析 许晓芳;?方略 商业会计 2008-8-10
4379 上市公司股权集中度与管理层专用性人力资本——投资关系的实证研究 徐立新 世界经济情况 2008-8-10
4380 新旧会计准则下长期股权投资核算的比较分析 刘亮 才智 2008-8-8
4381 正确认识有限合伙的作用——关于私人股权与创业投资基金组织形式的思考 刘健钧;?王力军;?孔杰 中国科技投资 2008-8-5
4382 股权投资基金浮出水面 杨海霞 中国投资 2008-8-5
4383 长期股权投资初始投资成本的会计处理 周虹 会计之友(上旬刊) 2008-8-5
4384 新旧准则下长期股权投资权益法的比较及纳税影响 秦天宇 会计之友(上旬刊) 2008-8-5
4385 清洁能源和环保行业的投资现状和机会——2008中国创业投资暨私募股权投资中期论坛之一 邓媚颖;叶东;黄炎;袁文达;周树华 科技创业 2008-8-5
4386 加快发展私募股权投资?创新中小企业融资渠道 殷政 经济师 2008-8-5
4387 长期股权投资与可供出售金融资产重分类之会计处理 苑秀娥 财会月刊 2008-8-5
4388 私募股权投资退出机制的新模式——APO 寇宇;?臧维 经济论坛 2008-8-1
4389 The Street.com Ratings’ Guide to Common Stocks: A Quarterly Compilation of Ratings and Analyses Covering Common Stocks Traded on the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ; The Street.com Ratings’ Guide to Stock Mutual Funds: A Quarterly Compilation of?Investment?Ratings and Analyses Covering?Equityand Balanced Mutual Funds; The Street.com Ratings’ Guide to Bond and Money Market Mutual Funds: A Quarterly Compilation of?InvestmentRatings and Analyses Covering Fixed Income Funds; The Street.com Ratings’ Guide to Exchange-Tr Doug Highsmith Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 2008-8-1
4390 中国本土人民币私募股权投资基金的兴起与忧虑 陈胜;?刘进 法制资讯 2008-7-30
4391 合并财务报表中母公司长期股权投资与子公司所有者权益的调整与抵销 张志凤 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-7-25
4392 非同一控制下长期股权投资后续计量相关问题的账务处理 曾月明;?施徐景 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-7-25
4393 发展私募股权投资基金的几点思考 刘丽莉;?刘锡宾 环渤海经济瞭望 2008-7-25
4394 巧解成本法下长期股权投资 杨应辉 冶金财会 2008-7-25
4395 公允价值的引入对长期股权投资的税务影响及税务筹划探讨 吴坚真 广东技术师范学院学报 2008-7-25
4396 港口码头创业投资的私募股权 张荣忠 中国港口 2008-7-25
4397 浅析长期股权投资的会计处理 江斌 商业会计 2008-7-20
4398 谈新准则下长期股权投资成本法 周红 商情(教育经济研究) 2008-7-19
4399 直接股权投资创业投资资产证券化QDII对证券公司的积极影响 陈峥嵘 中国证券期货 2008-7-15
4400 中国:最有前途的私募股权投资市场 资本市场 2008-7-15
4401 企业长期股权投资核算方法及会计处理 陈武略 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-7-15
4402 信息不对称下私募股权投资金融契约的选择 韩广智 中央财经大学学报 2008-7-15
4403 新旧长期股权投资会计准则的比较 刘晓静 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-7-15
4404 第一大股东股权、治理机制与企业过度投资——基于中国上市公司Panel Data的研究 张栋;?杨淑娥;?杨红 当代经济科学 2008-7-15
4405 天津高调关注股权投资基金——首届中国股权投资基金年会实录 井华 国际融资 2008-7-15
4406 发展人民币股权投资基金 促进中国经济结构调整 吴晓灵 中国经贸 2008-7-15
4407 全国社保基金获批投资产业基金和股权投资基金 李延霞;?王宇 劳动保障世界 2008-7-15
4408 “创造性破坏过程”与积极股权投资的兴起 贺力平;?姚睿翀 中山大学学报(社会科学版) 2008-7-15
4409 试析新会计准则下长期股权投资核算方法的变化 王蓉霞;?郑海峰 煤炭经济研究 2008-7-15
4410 从长期股权投资的权益法看资产负债表观念 张勇 绿色财会 2008-7-10
4411 新会计准则下长期股权投资的会计处理 苗东霖 商业会计 2008-7-10
4412 长期股权投资差额的纳税调整及处理 姜伟 商业会计 2008-7-10
4413 国际视角下的中国本土私募股权投资基金 王佩真;?占超;?宋珊 对外经贸实务 2008-7-10
4414 2008年CPA考试连续编报长期股权投资调整与抵销 张志凤 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-7-10
4415 为什么陈笛不办股权投资基金? 陈志武 深圳特区科技 2008-7-5
4416 长期股权投资初始计量的会计与税务处理 余兴无 财会月刊 2008-7-5
4417 新旧会计准则长期股权投资核算上的差异分析 徐宁蔓 中国管理信息化 2008-7-1
4418 我国养老基金投资私募股权基金问题探讨 魏建国;?赵丽娟 北方经济 2008-7-1
4419 新准则中长期股权投资的变化及影响分析 王琳;?石党英 中国管理信息化 2008-7-1
4420 自由现金流量、股权结构与我国上市公司投资问题研究 汪平;?孙士霞 资本市场会计研究——第八届会计与财务问题国际研讨会论文集 2008-7-1
4421 新会计准则下长期股权投资的会计处理 尹爱华 商业时代 2008-6-30
4422 私募股权投资基金的组织机制研究 吴琨 西北大学 2008-6-30
4423 投资机会与股权结构对公司财务政策的影响 李小军;?王平心 系统工程 2008-6-28
4424 长期股权投资成本法核算解析 司宇佳;?严萍 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-6-25
4425 发展人民币股权投资基金 促进中国经济结构调整 吴晓灵 金融发展研究 2008-6-25
4426 浅析新准则下长期股权投资计量及核算 花中东 消费导刊 2008-6-23
4427 非同一控制下企业合并中长期股权投资的会计处理 武苗 商场现代化 2008-6-20
4428 私人股权投资的本土化思考 霍志刚;?张弘;?陈松 现代商业 2008-6-18
4429 私募股权投资?奥运年的“金牌”竞争 资本市场 2008-6-15
4430 新会计准则下长期股权投资计量问题的探讨 曾园根 会计之友(中旬刊) 2008-6-15
4431 浅谈长期股权投资的核算 王俊杰 郧阳师范高等专科学校学报 2008-6-15
4432 负债融资对企业投资行为的影响——基于股权结构视角的实证研究 彭程;?周孟亮;?刘怡 湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2008-6-15
4433 海西经济区发展私募股权投资的政策和路径 李子白;?陈伟萍 福建金融 2008-6-15
4434 资本结构、股权融资和企业投资行为 张利兵;?吴冲锋 中国管理科学 2008-6-15
4435 长期股权投资核算方法转换思考 王帅 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-6-10
4436 控股合并长期股权投资会计与税务处理差异分析 文拥军 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-6-10
4437 长期股权投资后续计量备查簿方法浅探 解秀兰 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-6-10
4438 私募股权投资权益保护机制研究 李富申 北京交通大学 2008-6-10
4439 当前发展人民币股权投资基金需关注的问题 吴晓灵 银行家 2008-6-5
4440 新企业会计准则下长期股权投资的计量与核算 张巧仙;?郑香荣 中小企业管理与科技(上旬刊) 2008-6-5
4441 外商投资股权结构变化及其对技术外溢效应的影响分析 陈珊 暨南大学 2008-6-1
4442 我国私募股权投资运作模式研究 乔小辉 首都经济贸易大学 2008-6-1
4443 中国私募股权投资的现状与风险分析 汪波;?马海静;?李小敏 商场现代化 2008-5-25
4444 中国私人股权投资的风险简析 史云 市场周刊(理论研究) 2008-5-25
4445 论我国私募股权投资基金现状与前景 王园园 时代金融 2008-5-25
4446 试析长期股权投资之账务处理 王霞 财会月刊 2008-5-25
4447 浅议长期股权投资准则的变化及影响 吴建萍 黑龙江对外经贸 2008-5-25
4448 企业合并形成的长期股权投资的会计处理 何述荣 黑龙江对外经贸 2008-5-25
4449 中美私募股权投资基金对比研究 游筱璐;?徐鹏 决策与信息(财经观察) 2008-5-25
4450 股权投资收益税务处理及纳税申报例解 罗先锋;?厦门 税收征纳 2008-5-20
4451 我国金融机构参与私募股权投资的动因研究——兼论对金融市场的影响 凌轩坤 复旦大学 2008-5-18
4452 中国私募股权投资行业竞争研究 常忠义;?何梦洁 中国科技产业 2008-5-15
4453 长期股权投资成本法向权益法转换的会计处理探析 闫建峰 会计之友(中旬刊) 2008-5-15
4454 新准则下长期股权投资核算成本法之简易操作 李鑫鑫;?李素其 商场现代化 2008-5-15
4455 浅析长期股权投资的初始计量 刘树全 税务与经济 2008-5-15
4456 北京领跑私募股权投资 国际融资 2008-5-15
4457 长期股权投资的会计核算 赵甲风;?胡梅 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-5-15
4458 新准则下长期股权投资会计处理方法 饶庆林;?饶春林 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-5-15
4459 控制权收益与上市公司过度投资——来自上市公司股权再融资的经验证据 邬国梅 当代财经 2008-5-15
4460 2008年第一季度中国私募股权投资市场研究报告 长三角 2008-5-15
4461 论跨国股权投资收益的双边税收协调——以东道国跨国股息源泉征税为视角 陈红彦 法商研究 2008-5-15
4462 长期股权投资权益法转成本法的会计处理 姜海华;?向玲 商业会计 2008-5-10
4463 论长期股权投资权益法之缺陷 陈玉媛 西安财经学院学报 2008-5-8
4464 私募股权投资基金(PE)国内外研究评述 冯进路 经济师 2008-5-5
4465 浅谈新长期股权投资准则的纳税调整 邓亦文;?邹新颖 会计之友(上旬刊) 2008-5-5
4466 私募股权投资基金的有限合伙框架及其债权人利益保护 寇文红 中国市场 2008-5-5
4467 首次执行会计准则时长期股权投资核算衔接问题 郭维;?杨旭 财会月刊 2008-5-5
4468 中国私募股权投资中的估值问题研究 常忠义 中国科学技术大学 2008-5-1
4469 全球外汇储备海外股权投资分析 陈聚娜 外交学院 2008-5-1
4470 私募股权投资中的企业价值评估研究 王佳俊 重庆大学 2008-5-1
4471 股权结构、现金流与投资行为 许笑丹 首都经济贸易大学 2008-5-1
4472 私募股权投资的公司治理效应研究 陈剑伟 上海社会科学院 2008-5-1
4473 我国长期股权投资计量方法的变化及对企业的财务影响——以雅戈尔集团股份有限公司为例 彭志芳 中国人民大学 2008-4-30
4474 浅析新准则对长期股权投资计量方法的相关规定 龚静华 现代商业 2008-4-28
4475 新准则下长期股权投资核算方法转换的探讨 詹毅美 集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2008-4-28
4476 长期股权投资准则的国际比较 杨阳 山西财经大学学报 2008-4-28
4477 长期股权投资三方会谈 解媚霞 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-4-25
4478 学习股权投资成本法的新思路 温玉彪 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-4-25
4479 长期股权投资准则的改变及对上市公司的影响 彭奕 特区经济 2008-4-25
4480 中国中小企业私募股权投资研究 曹清 复旦大学 2008-4-25
4481 外资私人股权投资在中国并购所面对的困难 吕罡 复旦大学 2008-4-25
4482 保险机构私募股权基金的投资与管理 吴晓蕾;?王宇;?温骊骊 保险研究 2008-4-20
4483 私募股权(PE)投资基金在中国的发展策略 刘敏 华北电力大学(北京) 2008-4-20
4484 私募股权投资基金研究 邹陶;?王臻 现代商业 2008-4-18
4485 私募股权投资基金经营风险防范与控制 李甚坊 华北电力大学(北京) 2008-4-18
4486 试探长期股权投资实务操作的变化 熊程 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-4-15
4487 长期股权投资会计与税法处理的差异 陈永刚 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-4-15
4488 风险投资的股权—债权契约激励模型研究 张新立;?陈辉 软科学 2008-4-15
4489 我国信托公司开展私募股权投资基金业务的策略研究 崔晓红 内蒙古财经学院学报 2008-4-15
4490 控股合并中长期股权投资调整与抵销例解 刘东晓 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-4-15
4491 长期股权投资核算思路浅析 章颖薇 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-4-15
4492 股权制衡、终极所有权性质与上市企业非效率投资 安灵;?刘星;?白艺昕 管理工程学报 2008-4-15
4493 长期股权投资成本法与权益法转换会计处理 谷小倩 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-4-15
4494 浅析新会计准则下长期股权投资成本法与权益法的转换 戴华 中国管理信息化 2008-4-15
4495 股权集中度、股权制衡与公司R&D投资——来自中国上市公司的经验证据 文芳 南方经济 2008-4-15
4496 财务杠杆对企业投资的影响——股权集中背景下的经验研究 姚明安;?孔莹 会计研究 2008-4-15
4497 The Agency Problems Embedded in Firm’s?Equity Investment Yin-Hua Yeh;?Tsun-Siou Lee;?Pei-Gi Shu Journal of Business Ethics 2008-4-15
4498 新会计准则对我国长期股权投资的影响分析 张娜 吉林大学 2008-4-12
4499 私募股权投资基金附带权益所得税问题研究 寇祥河;?谈毅;?潘岚 投资研究 2008-4-10
4500 股权投资相关准则对上市公司影响 王绍军;方成民;安春梅;李玉清;韩明君 中国农业会计 2008-4-10
4501 中外私人股权投资基金比较 王仁双 世界经济情况 2008-4-10
4502 长期股权投资成本法核算现金股利的会计处理初探 孛晓燕 商业会计 2008-4-10
4503 股权投资的归类、核算及其信息质量监管 莫春兰 学术论坛 2008-4-10
4504 新旧长期股权投资会计准则的比较分析 李晓辉;?林丰艳 消费导刊 2008-4-8
4505 雅戈尔:股权投资神话破灭 刘俊 股市动态分析 2008-4-5
4506 对《长期股权投资成本法核算技巧》一文的异议 杨玉婷 财会月刊 2008-4-5
4507 中国私募股权投资组织形式的选择 何德凌 厦门大学 2008-4-1
4508 我国私募股权投资基金合法化研究 彭玉荣 湖南师范大学 2008-4-1
4509 新会计准则下长期股权投资成本法与权益法的比较研究 李梅;?姚红梅 徐州教育学院学报 2008-3-31
4510 刍议长期股权投资成本法核算 万林葳 时代经贸(下旬刊) 2008-3-30
4511 浅析长期股权投资核算的成本法与权益法 黄河清 时代经贸(下旬刊) 2008-3-30
4512 《长期股权投资》的学习技巧 戴华 会计之友(下旬刊) 2008-3-25
4513 私募股权投资国内发展现状初探 王磊;?师萍 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) 2008-3-25
4514 股权结构、公司治理与上市公司投资水平的实证研究 陈晓明;?周伟贤 金融与经济 2008-3-25
4515 论外资并购与中国本土私募股权投资的发展 艾小乐 特区经济 2008-3-25
4516 私募股权投资与中小企业成长 刘锡宾 浙江经济 2008-3-25
4517 浅谈长期股权投资核算的权益法 华玉明;?余虹艳 今日科苑 2008-3-23
4518 私人股权投资基金退出方式影响因素研究——基于欧洲主要发达国家的分析 陈明鸣 复旦大学 2008-3-22
4519 新会计准则对企业长期股权投资核算的影响 汪雪 财经界(学术版) 2008-3-15
4520 长期股权投资核算成本法简易操作 田亮 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-3-15
4521 放宽保险投资比例 参与私募股权投资 中国保险 2008-3-15
4522 新旧《会计准则》中长期股权投资差异及影响 石党英;?姚明亮 北方经贸 2008-3-15
4523 长期股权投资交易费用会计处理探析 施颖 中国管理信息化 2008-3-15
4524 浅探新会计准则中长期股权投资会计核算的变化 余兴无 中国管理信息化 2008-3-15
4525 长期股权投资的变化影响 刘帅;?李经纬 华商 2008-3-15
4526 新准则实施后公允价值在长期股权投资核算中的运用 *平 审计月刊 2008-3-15
4527 论我国私募股权投资的发展瓶颈 宋丽娟;?彭升平;?魏珊珊 中国商界(下半月) 2008-3-15
4528 The?Equity?Market Risk Premium and the Valuation of Overseas?Investments Luc Soenen;?Robert Johnson Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 2008-3-15
4529 长期股权投资成本法与权益法转换的会计处理 詹毅美 财会月刊 2008-3-5
4530 长期股权投资准则的新旧比较及其影响 李建华 会计之友(上旬刊) 2008-3-5
4531 关于《企业会计准则第2号——长期股权投资》的质疑 崔金勋;?卢宪森;?许强 会计师 2008-3-1
4532 长期股权投资差额会计处理的新旧会计准则比较 张兵 会计师 2008-3-1
4533 股权激励中的投资机会 朱永华 股市动态分析 2008-3-1
4534 收购51%股权?海外投资基金入主东方家园 建材与装饰(上旬刊) 2008-3-1
4535 我国私募股权投资退出机制研究 陈伟萍 厦门大学 2008-3-1
4536 股权结构、投资与公司绩效——基于国内IPO公司的实证分析 熊小舟;?李仕明;?李金 系统工程 2008-2-28
4537 股权分置改革对上市公司投资的影响——基于负债来源结构的实证分析 李付强 科技和产业 2008-2-25
4538 长期股权投资合并抵销分录之比较 解秀兰 财会月刊 2008-2-25
4539 私募股权基金是对外直接投资的新趋势 王传英 经济纵横 2008-2-25
4540 私募股权投资基金:企业成长的助推器 李经宇 财务与会计 2008-2-23
4541 关于处置长期股权投资的会计处理问题 王轶仙;?王宝田 辽宁税务高等专科学校学报 2008-2-20
4542 长期股权投资初始投资成本的计量和会计核算方法分析 金雪松 辽宁师专学报(社会科学版) 2008-2-20
4543 股权投资基金的信托化解决之道 邢成 中国金融 2008-2-16
4544 关于长期股权投资核算方法的一点思考 杜阿兰 财经界(学术版) 2008-2-15
4545 2007年中国创业投资和私募股权投资市场高速发展 畅言 资本市场 2008-2-15
4546 我国私人股权投资基金组织模式的探讨——基于委托代理模型的分析 赵臣;?彭谢斌;?毕雯 西南金融 2008-2-15
4547 长期股权投资核算的成本法 张遂华 中国乡镇企业会计 2008-2-15
4548 用友软件:股权投资“拨乱反正” 李彤 商界(评论) 2008-2-15
4549 成本法下长期股权投资核算之我见 皇甫亚楠 中国管理信息化 2008-2-15
4550 充分发挥股权投资在“走出去”中的重要作用 孙中和 中国经贸 2008-2-15
4551 认股权证投资风险分析:以武钢权证为例 杜亮 时代经贸(中旬刊) 2008-2-15
4552 Real Estate Risk Exposure of?Equity?Real Estate?Investment?Trusts Ming-Long Lee;?Ming-Te Lee;?Kevin C. H. Chiang The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 2008-2-15
4553 合并报表编制中长期股权投资的调整与抵销 朱纪红 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-2-10
4554 长期股权投资准则相关问题探析 淡志强 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-2-10
4555 长期股权投资会计处理疑点刍议 贺泽禹 财会月刊 2008-2-5
4556 刍议长期股权投资核算 王绍军 商场现代化 2008-2-1
4557 长期股权投资的初始计量问题探讨——新企业会计准则解读 吴作凤 中国管理信息化 2008-2-1
4558 王博士讲新会计准则故事 第二期 CAS2-长期股权投资从长计议谋大变 做强做大靠股权 王保平 财会学习 2008-2-1
4559 论会计新准则下长期股权投资与企业合并业务的会计处理 叶淦平 现代商贸工业 2008-1-30
4560 股权结构、自由现金流与企业过度投资——基于中国上市公司的实证研究 李鑫 新疆社会科学 2008-1-25
4561 国有商业银行股权投资大幕拉开 周永发;?黄旭 现代商业银行 2008-1-15
4562 投资“GNM公司”股权的项目可行性研究 林利 上海交通大学 2008-1-13
4563 VW投资公司的私人股权投资分析 熊轶枫 上海交通大学 2008-1-13
4564 非同一控制下长期股权投资抵销分录的编制 费金华;?强永革 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-1-10
4565 净资产计量股权投资初始成本核算例解 骆国城 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-1-10
4566 长期股权投资损益与现金股利的处理 王帅 财会通讯(综合版) 2008-1-10
4567 权益法核算长期股权投资的具体应用 张兴亮 商业会计 2008-1-10
4568 长期股权投资会计与税收处理差异比较分析(三) 高允斌 财务与会计 2008-1-8
4569 圆募股权投资走进中国 姚国会 大经贸 2008-1-5
4570 试析长期股权投资之会计核算 余兴无 财会月刊 2008-1-5
4571 同一控制下长期股权投资成本法转为权益法的会计处理 蒋枫;?徐刚;?杨兴龙 财会月刊 2008-1-5
4572 以企业合并方式取得长期股权投资初始计量与计税成本的差异 高金平 中国税务 2008-1-1
4573 特殊情形下长期股权投资初始投资成本的确定 袁小明 财会学习 2008-1-1
4574 我国私募股权投资基金的立法问题研究 吴明珠 上海交通大学 2007-12-25
4575 长期股权投资会计与税收处理差异比较分析(二) 高允斌;?唐文彬 财务与会计 2007-12-8
4576 海外私募股权在华投资的行业选择 李婧 东北财经大学 2007-12-1
4577 我国信息行业上市公司过度投资行为与股权结构关系的实证分析 单丹 东北财经大学 2007-12-1
4578 Socially Responsible Institutional?Investment?in Private?Equity Douglas Cumming;?Sofia Johan Journal of Business Ethics 2007-11-15
4579 长期股权投资会计与税收处理差异比较分析(一) 高允斌;?唐文彬 财务与会计 2007-11-8
4580 私募股权投资基金的中国实践研究 李令强 大连海事大学 2007-11-1
4581 对长期股权投资及企业合并准则中几个实务问题的探讨 杨志君;?李青龙 财务与会计 2007-10-8
4582 股权投资损益所得税处理相关问题探讨 姚廷康;?赵新贵 财务与会计 2007-10-8
4583 解读新长期股权投资准则的变化 王丽君 现代经济(现代物业下半月刊) 2007-8-23
4584 从法律视角看当前中国私人股权投资基金 郗朋 2007环渤海区域金融合作发展研讨会论文集 2007-8-1
4585 国有控股企业集团(公司)投资与股权治理决策研究 胡占琪 天津大学 2007-7-1
4586 国有企业股权投资控制机制研究 徐天予 贵州大学 2007-6-30
4587 Private?equity?hotel?investments J?rg Frehse Tourism Review 2007-6-15
4588 Investment?analysis in the private?equityindustry: a study of La Porta’s argument Jan Smolarski International Journal of Emerging Markets 2007-6-15
4589 基于资产负债表观的长期股权投资所得税会计处理 叶敏 财务与会计 2007-6-8
4590 私募股权投资在中国医疗健康产业中的现状和案例分析 陈刚明 清华大学 2007-6-1
4591 北京城建投资发展股份有限公司股权激励研究 夏四喜 北京化工大学 2007-5-30
4592 第一大股东、股权集中度对企业投资的影响 吕晓曙 暨南大学 2007-5-1
4593 长期股权投资新旧准则差异 崔献华 合作经济与科技 2007-4-16
4594 长期股权投资计量模式研究——来自于中国证券市场的证据 徐志翰 复旦大学 2007-4-15
4595 股权结构、债务杠杆与企业投资 万士荣 厦门大学 2007-4-1
4596 大股东控制下股权代理冲突对上市公司投资决策影响的实证研究 聂春光 重庆大学 2007-4-1
4597 对股权重估增值的上市公司投资价值分析 郑丙金;?王维婷 财务与会计 2007-3-23
4598 Performance differentiation: cutting losses and maximizing profits of private?equity?and venture capital?investments Rainer Lauterbach;?Isabell M. Welpe;?Jan Fertig Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 2007-3-15
4599 后股权分置改革时代基金投资行为研究 李先明 厦门大学 2007-3-1
4600 权益法下长期股权投资有关业务会计与税务处理的差异辨析 李永;?任利军;?周洪来 会计之友(中旬刊) 2007-2-15
4601 长期股权投资成本法下投资成本转回会计处理的质疑 刘芳;?柳世平 财会通讯(综合版) 2007-2-10
4602 成本法下长期股权投资会计处理探讨 章新蓉;?熊涛 财会通讯(综合版) 2007-2-10
4603 新会计准则下长期股权投资的核算思考 王学锋 财会通讯(综合版) 2007-2-10
4604 同一控制下增持股份的长期股权投资入账价值探讨 沈萍;?刘绍军 财务与会计 2007-2-8
4605 私募股权投资花落谁家? 艾亚 国际融资 2007-2-1
4606 试探长期股权投资的核算 周新瑜;?杨荣本 会计之友(下) 2007-1-30
4607 长期股权投资成本法下现金股利处理的小窍门 黎新燕 内蒙古科技与经济 2007-1-15
4608 Investment?Patterns of Informal Investors in the Alberta Private?Equity?Market * Michael J. Robinson;?Thomas J. Cottrell Journal of Small Business Management 2007-1-15
4609 股权投资受益板块崛起 张忆东 股市动态分析 2007-1-13
4610 长期股权投资“成本法”教学探讨 张铮 中国管理信息化 2007-1-1
4611 How do?investment?patterns of independent and captive private?equity?funds differ? Evidence from Germany Tereza Tykvová Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 2006-12-15
4612 私募股权投资基金发展研究 陈明珠 北京物资学院 2006-12-1
4613 股权集中下投资—现金流敏感性问题研究 宋力;?潘伟 中国会计学会高等工科院校分会2006年学术年会暨第十三届年会论文集 2006-12-1
4614 An Examination of the?Equity?Market Response to The Gramm‐Leach‐Bliley Act Across Commercial Banking,?Investment?Banking, and Insurance Firms H. Semih Yildirim;?Seung‐Woog (Austin) Kwag;?M. Cary Collins Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 2006-11-15
4615 新旧会计准则下长期股权投资核算方法的比较及对企业影响的研究 季冬玲 吉林大学 2006-10-25
4616 浅析权益法下核算长期股权投资所得税的会计处理 苗瑞红 新乡教育学院学报 2006-9-15
4617 山东省外商投资股权模式演变及实证分析 邹晶 山东大学 2006-9-8
4618 流通权定价、股权分置改革与公众投资利益保护 廖旗平 中山大学 2006-6-30
4619 Private?equity investments?beyond Earth orbits: Can space exploration be the new frontier for private?investments? Jeph Mathurin;?Nicolas Peter Acta Astronautica 2006-6-15
4620 外商对华投资股权策略变化 刘凡 暨南大学 2006-5-1
4621 What kind of German biotechnology start-ups do venture capital companies and corporate investors prefer for?equity investments? Claire Champenois;?Dirk Engel;?Oliver Heneric Applied Economics 2006-3-20
4622 国有投资公司股权投资效率影响因素分析 李小林 河海大学 2006-3-3
4623 私有股权投资的中国实践 吴波 对外经济贸易大学 2006-3-1
4624 Bank?Equity Investments: Reducing Agency Costs or Buying Undervalued Firms? The Information Effects Francisco González Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 2006-1-15
4625 On the Efficiency and?Equity?Effects of Public Sector?Investment?in Education in Mauritius Sanjeev K. Sobhee Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement 2006-1-1
4626 A公司股权投资风险分析与控制研究 刘爱国 上海海事大学 2005-12-1
4627 大中型煤炭企业重组上市过程中战略投资人的选择与股权设置 刘万波;?成远忠;?陈定孝 煤炭经济管理新论 2005-11-30
4628 跨国公司国际直接投资中的股权战略——以西门子公司为例 杨旭 吉林大学 2005-11-12
4629 Innovative Approach to SME Financing in Nigeria: A Review of Small and Medium Industries?Equity Investment?Scheme (SMIEIS) Abereijo;?Fayomi Journal of Social Sciences 2005-11-1
4630 股权结构、现金流与资本投资 张翼;?李辰 经济学(季刊)第5卷第1期(总第19期) 2005-10-1
4631 Equity?Underwriting Spreads at Commercial Bank Holding Companies and?Investment?Banks Ivan C. Roten;?Donald J. Mullineaux Journal of Financial Services Research 2005-9-15
4633 London business angels: Boosting?investment?in the?equity?gap Anthony Clarke Local Economy 2005-8-15
4634 长期股权投资财务决策的税务问题 曲晓辉 当代管理会计新发展——第五届会计与财务问题国际研讨会论文集(下) 2005-7-1
4635 Accounting/Actuarial Bias Enables?Equity Investment?By Defined Benefit Pension Plans Jeremy Gold North American Actuarial Journal 2005-7-1
4636 试论东道国对外国直接投资的当地股权要求 蔡丽红 上海外国语大学 2005-6-30
4637 Firm size and book-to-market?equity?as risk proxy in?investment?decisions Su-Jane Chen;?Tung-Zong Chang;?Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu;?Timothy Mayes Management Research News 2005-6-15
4638 股权分置下投资收益与融资偏好分析 杨军 武汉大学 2005-5-1
4639 Long‐term Performance of New?Equity?Issuers, Venture Capital and Reputation of?InvestmentBankers John A. Doukas;?Halit Gonenc Economic Notes 2005-2-15
4640 Foreign?Investment, Vertical Integration and Local?Equity?Requirements Avik Chakrabarti;?John S. Heywood Economica 2004-11-15
4641 Do?equity investments?affect banks’ profitability? Evidence from OECD countries Francisco Gonzalez Applied Financial Economics 2004-10-15
4642 取长期股权投资之焦点——观内部审计完善公司法人治理结构之作用 重庆市万州区内审协会课题组 全国企业改制中的内部审计作用理论研讨暨经验交流论文集 2004-10-1
4643 Replacement versus adaptation?investments?and?equity?value Emeka T. Nwaeze Journal of Corporate Finance 2004-6-15
4644 Equity?indexing: Optimize your passive?investments Carol Alexander;?Anca Dimitriu Quantitative Finance 2004-6-1
4645 运用证券投资基金模式优化上市公司股权结构的可行性分析 何丽 四川大学 2004-4-12
4646 私人股权投资及其治理问题研究——对国有企业改革的启示 张晓君 对外经济贸易大学 2004-4-1
4647 Investment?and?equity?effects of land regularisation: the case of Nicaragua Klaus Deininger;?Juan Sebastian Chamorro Agricultural Economics 2004-3-15
4648 CGZ公司股权投资结构优化管理的实证研究 陈书平 四川大学 2003-11-1
4649 Financing Flexibility in a Global Market: The Metropolitan Distribution of?Equity Investment1 William Graves Urban Geography 2003-11-1
4650 Investment?Opportunities and the Relation Between?Equity?Value and Employees’ Bonus Chih‐Ying Chen Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 2003-9-15
4651 Smart?investments?by smart money: Evidence from seasoned?equity?offerings Scott Gibson;?Assem Safieddine;?Ramana Sonti Journal of Financial Economics 2003-6-15
4652 An exploratory study of adopting requirements for audit committees for non-US commercial bank registrants: an empirical analysis of foreign?equity investment Louis Braiotta;?Jr Managerial Auditing Journal 2003-6-15
4653 Private?equity?securities: A compliance update for broker-dealers and?investment?advisers John H. Walsh Journal of Investment Compliance 2003-6-15
4654 企业集团对外股权投资的财务监控体系设计——兼析凯普集团 刘芳 对外经济贸易大学 2002-10-1
4655 风险投资的股权比例研究 吴国富 加入WTO和中国科技与可持续发展——挑战与机遇、责任和对策(上册) 2002-9-5
4656 THE CENTURY OF?EQUITY INVESTMENT Tim Congdon Economic Affairs 2002-6-15
4657 Using Forecasts of Earnings to Simultaneously Estimate Growth and the Rate of Return on?Equity Investment Peter Easton;?Gary Taylor;?Pervin Shroff;?Theodore Sougiannis Journal of Accounting Research 2002-6-15
4658 Section 20 versus?investment?house underwriting of small?equity?initial public offerings in the USA Nancy L. Beneda Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 2002-6-15
4659 Investment?opportunities and leverage: some Australian evidence on the role of board monitoring and director?equity?ownership Marion Hutchinson;?Ferdinand A. Gul Managerial Finance 2002-6-15
4660 Political risk and?equity investment?in developing countries Philipp Harms Applied Economics Letters 2002-5-15
4661 The Performance, Asset Allocation, and?InvestmentStyle of International?Equity?Managers Rahul Bhargava;?John G. Gallo;?Peggy E. Swanson Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 2001-12-15
4662 Foreign Portfolio?Equity Investments, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Development Vihang Errunza Review of International Economics 2001-11-15
4664 Living with the “enemy”: an analysis of foreign?investment?in the Japanese?equity?market Yasushi Hamao;?Jianping Mei Journal of International Money and Finance 2001-6-15
4665 A critical look at?equity investment?in the 1994-1996 Advisory Council on Social Security recommendations. Cohen L;?Beedon L;?Figueiredo C Issue Brief (Public Policy Institute (American Association of Retired Persons)) 2000-9-30
4666 Intermarket timing in?equity investments: Hong Kong versus Singapore Kie Ann Wong;?Lawrence S. Tai Journal of Economic Studies 2000-6-15
4667 The Regional Allocation of Public?Investment: Efficiency or?Equity? Norihiko Yamano;?Toru Ohkawara Journal of Regional Science 2000-5-15
4668 股权投资差额例证分析——兼谈股权投资差额的正确计算 郭收库 陕西工学院学报 1999-12-30
4669 谈股权投资的风险回避 张纯文;?高笑媚 商业会计 1999-12-10
4670 长期股权投资——投资差额浅谈 黄学峰 交通财会 1999-11-15
4671 长期股权投资核算方法转换的会计处理 吴江涛 湖南财政与会计 1999-9-15
4672 非股权盈利——外商投资企业中不可忽视的现象 唐月萍 交通财会 1999-9-15
4673 论企业对外股权投资过程管理 李昆;?海乐 郑州航空工业管理学院学报 1999-8-15
4674 国内投资银行持有上市公司股权现象研究 杨文军 证券市场导报 1999-7-15
4675 浅析外商投资企业股权变更问题 孟刚 经济管理学报 1999-6-15
4676 The impact of cash flow volatility on discretionary?investment?and the costs of debt and?equity?financing Bernadette A. Minton;?Catherine Schrand Journal of Financial Economics 1999-6-15
4677 对间接持股条件下长期股权投资核算的探讨 贾春霞 商业会计 1999-6-10
4678 长期股权投资核算权益法与成本法相互转换的会计处理 蒋苏娅 中国乡镇企业会计 1999-6-5
4679 The?investment?policy and the pricing of?equityin a levered firm: a re-examination of the ’contingent claims’ valuation approach M. Chesney;?R. Gibson-Asner The European Journal of Finance 1999-6-1
4680 对台湾长期股权投资业务处理的评价 潘远增 财会通讯 1999-5-30
4681 长期股权投资核算方法探讨 徐有恒 嘉兴高等专科学校学报 1999-5-15
4682 浅谈“股权投资差额”会计处理问题 麦锦学 对外经贸财会 1999-5-15
4683 关于债权和股权投资的几点思考 秦玉熙;?丛敏 财务与会计 1999-5-15
4684 Equity?vs. Efficiency: Public Capital?Investmentin Ohio, 1988-1992 Brian A. Mikelbank;?Randall W. Jackson The Professional Geographer 1999-5-15
4685 浅议具体会计准则《投资》中长期股权投资的会计处理 喻立勇 工业会计 1999-5-10
4686 Exporting?equity?models. U.K. docs targeted for?investments?in surgery centers. Kertesz L Modern Healthcare 1999-4-2
4687 商誉、股权投资差额与合并价差辨析 张玉玺 财税与会计 1999-3-15
4688 复杂股权结构下投资收益的确定方法 祝焰;?叶天放 工业会计 1999-3-10
4689 对股权投资差额确认、计量的一点看法 徐健儿;?张丽萍 中国地质矿产经济 1999-2-25
4690 试论长期股权投资核算的权益法 李静萍 辽宁广播电视大学学报 1999-2-15
4691 An insight into the options available for?equity investment. Hartman V Hospital medicine (London, England : 1998) 1998-12-16
4692 Investment?opportunities and Irish?equityofferings Carole E. Corby;?Mark Hoven Stohs The European Journal of Finance 1998-12-1
4693 A Canadian tax incentive for?equity investmentsin mining and energy companies Gordon J. Lenjosek New Directions for Evaluation 1998-9-15
4694 Insider reputation and selling decisions: the unwinding of venture capital?investments?during?equity?IPOs Timothy H Lin;?Richard L Smith Journal of Corporate Finance 1998-6-15
4695 对长期股权投资权益法核算的思考 吴立群 商业会计 1997-11-10
4696 外商投资企业投资者股权变更的若干规定 对外经贸财会 1997-10-15
4697 债权转股权——投资主体多元化的一个思路 林庆苗 经济管理 1997-10-15
4698 国家发布外商投资企业投资者股权变更的若干规定 蔚伟 中国化工 1997-9-20
4699 对外贸易经济合作部、国家工商行政管理局关于外商投资企业投资者股权变更的若干规定 中国法律 1997-9-15
4700 对外贸易经济合作部 国家工商行政管理局——关于《外商投资企业投资者股权变更的若干规定》 中国外资 1997-9-15
4701 略论外商股权投资合理与否的判断标准──兼谈贫困转移论 高会宗;?冯振萍 经济问题 1997-8-28
4702 长期投资成本与股权净值差异问题探讨 张一平 财贸研究 1997-8-15
4703 Forward Hedging the Exchange Risks of U.S.?Equity Investments?in the U.K., Germany and France Oscar Varela;?Atsuyuki Naka Financial Review 1997-8-15
4704 关于外商投资企业合并、分立、股权重组、资产转让等重组业务所得税处理的暂行规定 涉外税务 1997-7-15
4705 外商投资企业合并、分立、股权重组、资产转让等重组业务所得税处理的暂行规定 财会月刊 1997-7-10
4706 The impact of social-responsibility screens on?investment?performance: Evidence from the Domini 400 social index and Domini?Equity?Mutual Fund David A. Sauer Review of Financial Economics 1997-6-15
4707 Transactions costs and?investment?style: an inter-exchange analysis of institutional?equitytrades Donald B. Keim;?Ananth Madhavan Journal of Financial Economics 1997-6-15
4708 关于组建受让国有股股权投资基金的构想 陈儒 特区经济 1997-5-15
4709 权益法核算长期股权投资问题的探讨 钟根红 四川会计 1997-2-28
4710 外商投资企业国有股权管理大有可为 董娟 国有资产管理 1997-2-8
4711 关于长期股权投资会计处理的几个问题──兼谈对“投资会计”准则的一点认识 项有志 决策借鉴 1996-12-20
4712 关于外商投资企业外方股权转让问题的探讨 张凤清 外国经济与管理 1996-9-20
4713 关于规范长期股权投资成本法核算的必要性 郝凤霞 中央财政金融学院学报 1996-9-15
4714 A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO CALCULATING COSTS OF?EQUITY?FOR?INVESTMENTS?IN EMERGING MARKETS Stephen Godfrey;?Ramon Espinosa Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1996-9-15
4715 基础设施投资者如何变现对上市公司的股权投资 王识岐;?蔺蔚青 银行与企业 1996-8-10
4716 Project?investment?with?equity?financing J. M. Carter;?M. R. Wilde International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 1996-7-15
4717 关于长期股权投资权益法会计的比较研究 林钟高 财务与会计 1996-4-15
4718 关于外商对我国国有企业股权投资的思考 钟建勤 江汉论坛 1996-3-15
4719 SEASONED?EQUITY?OFFERINGS FOR NEW?INVESTMENT?AND THE INFORMATION CONTENT OF INSIDER TRADES Dana J. Johnson;?Jan M. Serrano;?G. Rodney Thompson Journal of Financial Research 1996-3-15
4720 浅谈“权益法”下投资成本与所取得股权净值之差额的核算 余俊仙 浙江财税与会计 1996-2-15
4721 上市公司国有股权投资成本的合理确定 王磊 国有资产管理 1996-2-8
4722 浅析长期股权投资核算的成本与市价孰低法 汪伟 吉林财税 1996-1-20
4723 产业管制松动过程中的股权投资与行业准入──以香港中策投资集团公司为例 秦海 改革 1995-12-30
4724 长期股权投资的权益法核算 王鹏;?孙丽华 商业会计 1995-12-10
4725 外资在我国的股权投资分析 王立军 经济问题探索 1995-10-15
4726 如何核算股权投资 张凤仪;?谈群玉;?王艳玲 中国乡镇企业会计 1995-9-5
4727 对股权投资及其收益会计核算有关问题的探讨 耿桂珍 辽宁财会 1995-6-10
4728 外商投资企业股权转让若干法律问题分析 陈筱洁 人民司法 1995-6-8
4729 一条变现回收投资的有效途径──从中萃公司的股权转让所想到的 裴少军 经济导刊 1995-5-29
4730 试析美国商业银行对外股权投资的限制 王忠文 天津金融月刊 1995-5-15
4731 运用中介投资机构推进国有企业和银行“债权一股权”的转换 陈成天 财经研究 1995-3-3
4732 中美长期股权投资核算方法的比较 周成江 四川会计 1994-12-28
4733 依法保护投资环境——本市首例确认外方股权案已见分晓 子木 检察风云 1994-11-15
4734 介绍一种新的长期股权投资核算方法 华海波 财会通讯 1994-9-15
4735 中外长期股权投资核算方法的比较──兼对新会计制度的修正 华海波 财会研究 1994-8-30
4736 低迷股市恰是股权投资良机一五、六月深沪股市述评 薛云 中国物资 1994-7-20
4737 谈长期股权投资核算的不足 华海波 会计之友 1994-4-15
4738 长期股权投资若干会计问题探析 宋新潮 财会通讯 1994-4-15
4739 拥有半数以下股权的投资单位投资计价问题 王孙雄 财会通讯 1994-4-15
4740 论长期股权投资核算的不足及修正 华海波 财会通讯 1994-3-15
4741 认股权证与可转换债券的投资比较 伍星红 福建金融 1993-4-1
4742 股权投资会计中的成本法和权益法 李军 财务与会计 1992-12-15
4743 利用股权投资加速国营老企业的改造 崔慧霞 特区经济 1992-4-30
4744 美国人国际股权投资的3种方式 张颂豪 外国经济与管理 1992-3-1
4746 National?Investment?Planning and?equity?policy in developing countries: The challenge of decentralized administration Dennis A. Rondinelli Policy Sciences 1978-8-15
4748 Houlihan Smith & Co., Inc.; Houlihan Smith Arranges Non-Control?Equity Investment?Into Sottera, Inc., dba NJOY, by Miri Pharma, Inc. Anonymous Biotech Business Week
4749 JohnsonDiversey Inc.; JohnsonDiversey and Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Announce?Equity Investment?and Company Recapitalization Anonymous Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA
4751 JohnsonDiversey, Inc.; JohnsonDiversey and Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Announce Closing of?Equity Investment?and Company Recapitalization Anonymous Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA
4752 Ener1, Inc.; Lithium-Ion Battery Maker Ener1 Receives $20 Million Strategic?Equity Investmentfrom ITOCHU Corporation Anonymous Biotech Business Week
4753 Microvision, Inc.; Microvision, Inc. Secures $15 Million?Equity Investment?From Walsin Lihwa Corporation Anonymous Electronics Business Journal
4754 Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP; Boardwalk Announces Agreement for $150 Million?Equity Investment?by Loews Corporation and Borrows Remaining $100 Million under Subordinated Loan Agreement Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4755 Cytori Therapeutics; Cytori Receives?EquityCommitment;?Investment?Fund to Purchase up to 7.15 Million Shares over Next 12 Months Anonymous Biotech Week
4756 Boardwalk Pipeline Partners, LP; Boardwalk Announces Agreement for $150 Million?Equity Investment?by Loews Corporation and Borrows Remaining $100 Million under Subordinated Loan Agreement Anonymous Resource Week
4757 Riverside Partners: Riverside Partners Completes Growth?Equity Investment?In Vocollect; The Leader In Voice Solutions For Supply-Chain And Healthcare Workforce Management Anonymous M2 Presswire
4758 SunRun; SunRun Closes $18m?Equity Investment; Will Expand Affordable Home Solar Power Anonymous Energy Business Journal
4759 ArthroCare Secures One?Equity?Partners?Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4760 Research and Markets: Indian?Equity?Brokerage Industry Attracted Domestic and Foreign?Investment?Interest At High Valuations Of Up To 45x P/E Multiples during 2003-07 Anonymous M2 Presswire
4761 ArthroCare Inks?Investment?Pact with One?EquityPartners Anonymous Wireless News
4762 Business Monitor International; Business Monitor International Announces Substantial?Investment?by Spectrum?Equity?Investors Anonymous Information Technology Newsweekly
4763 Crown?Equity?Holdings, Inc.: NewMarket Technology, Inc. Discusses Forbes Magazine’s Attention to Penny Stocks and a United Nations Presentation on Micro?Equity Investments Anonymous M2 Presswire
4764 NextG Networks Secures?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4765 American Wind Capital Company; American Wind Capital Company Announces Significant?EquityCommitment From Barclays Natural Resource?Investments?and NGP Energy Technology Partners; Company to Acquire Royalty Payments Associated With Wind Power Projects Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4766 Johnson & Johnson and Elan Close Transaction Related to Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy Program and?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4767 NextG Networks Secures?Equity Investment Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4768 International Graphics Incorporated; International Graphics Incorporated IGI Announces?Investment?by its?Equity?Holders Anonymous Chemicals & Chemistry
4769 Millennium?Equity?I, Lp; Millennium?Equity?I, LP, Announces Commitment to Bring Unprecedented Level of Broadband Technology?Investment?to 177 Underserved Communities Anonymous Electronics Business Journal
4770 Micell Technologies Inc.; Micell Receives $15 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Science Letter
4771 Dow Jones & Co.: U.S. Private?Equity?Fund-Raising Continues Steep Decline, Drops 70% In Third Quarter; Dow Jones Private?Equity?Analyst: PE Firms Raise $25.2 Billion in 3rd Quarter; Several LPs Return, Make First?Investments?of the Year Anonymous M2 Presswire
4772 Tri-Valley Corporation; Tri-Valley Reveals Strong Investor Interest for New?Equity?and Project?Investments Anonymous Energy Business Journal
4773 Spigit announces?equity investment?from Warburg Pincus Anonymous Telecomworldwire
4774 Spigit announces?equity investment?from Warburg Pincus Anonymous Corporate IT Update
4775 Research and Markets: Exposed to the J-Curve: Understanding and Managing Private?Equity?Fund?Investments Anonymous M2 Presswire
4776 TEAK Midstream, LLC; TEAK Midstream Secures $100 Million Private?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy Business Journal
4777 Research and Markets: China?Equity InvestmentReport, 2009-2010 Anonymous M2 Presswire
4778 FreightWatch Closes $10 Million Growth?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4779 GE/NBC Universal’s Peacock?Equity?Makes?Investment?in Vivox Anonymous Wireless News
4780 Colorado State University: Colorado State University, CSU Ventures Create New Private?Equity Investment?Fund to Advance Research Innovation Anonymous M2 Presswire
4781 Green Brook Capital Management LLC; Green Brook Capital Closes $15 Million Senior Debt and?Equity Investment?to Support eData Solutions Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4782 Investment?Brokerage - Regional; ITG Hires?EquityMarket Veteran Jamie Selway & White Cap Trading Partners Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4783 Daiwa SB?Investments?Selects RS?Investments?to Manage the?Equity?Portion of Twin Accelerator Fund Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4784 Bharat Book Bureau: China?Equity InvestmentReport, 2009-2010 Anonymous M2 Presswire
4785 Pinnacle Digest: Green Globe International Ceases?Equity Investment?in Village Green Global : Thoughts? Anonymous M2 Presswire
4786 Technology Crossover Ventures Makes Minority?Equity Investment?in Merkle Anonymous Wireless News
4787 Investment?Brokerage - Regional; Zahid Siddique Named Associate Portfolio Manager of the Gabelli?Equity?Trust Anonymous Engineering Business Journal
4788 St. Jude Medical Signs?Equity Investment?and Option to Purchase Agreement with CardioMEMS Anonymous Wireless News
4789 St. Jude Medical Signs?Equity Investment?Deal and Option to Purchase Pact with CardioMEMS Anonymous Wireless News
4790 Shipping; K-Sea Transportation Partners L.P. Enters into Agreement to Raise up to $100 Million Through Direct?Equity Investment?and Completes Amendments to Credit Facility and Term Loans; Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2010 Results Anonymous Energy & Ecology
4791 Contact Solutions, Inc.; Contact Solutions Inc. Receives?Investment?Capital from North Bridge Growth?Equity Anonymous Technology News Focus
4792 State Street Global Advisors Bolsters Fixed Income and?Equity Investment?Teams Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4793 Offers.com; Offers.com Closes $7 Million?Investment?from Susquehanna Growth?Equity, LLLP Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4794 Huntsman Gay Global Capital; Huntsman Gay Global Capital Makes Growth?Equity Investment?in iCongo, E-Commerce Software Developer Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4795 Bright Computing; ING Corporate?InvestmentsAcquires?Equity?Stake in Bright Computing Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4796 Abound Solar; Abound Solar Closes $400 Million Loan Guarantee from US Department of Energy and $110 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Chemicals & Chemistry Business
4797 Banking, Financial Services; Teachers’ Private Capital Makes?Equity Investment?in Bluearth Renewables Inc. Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4798 Mistral?Equity?Partners Promotes 3 Execs in?Investment?Team Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4799 Investment?Companies; First Reserve Corporation Sells?Equity?Interest in Bahamas Oil Refining Company Oil Storage Terminal to Buckeye Partners, L.P. Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4800 Free and Clear?Equity?Files Registration with S.E.C. for All Cash Real Estate?Investment?Trust Anonymous Wireless News
4801 Grey Mountain Partners Makes?Equity Investment?in Triton Diving Services Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4802 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Janney Announces Best?Equity?Ideas for 2011 Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4803 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Jefferies Adds TMT Specialist in?Equity?Capital Markets Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4804 Environmental Services; Woodland Biofuels Announces?Equity Investment?as Part of $12 Million Demonstration Plant Financing Anonymous Journal of Transportation
4805 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Jefferies Expands Asia?Equity?Research Platform Anonymous Telecommunications Weekly
4806 EnCap?Investments?L.P.; EnCap Raises $3.5 Billion Private?Equity?Fund Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4807 Film Fresh Inc.; Film Fresh Obtains $2 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4808 Brandes?Investment?Partners Unveils Emerging Markets?Equity?Fund Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4809 Landec: Apio Reports?Equity Investment?in Licensing Partner Windset Anonymous Wireless News
4810 Landec Subsidiary, Apio, Makes?Equity Investmentin Licensing Partner Windset Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4811 Equity?International;?Equity?International Announces First?Investment?in Brazilian Self Storage Anonymous Information Technology Newsweekly
4812 Equity?International Closes?Investment?in Brazilian Self Storage Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4813 Wireless Communication Companies; Wireless Matrix Appoints?Equity Investment?Partner To Board Of Directors Anonymous Telecommunications Weekly
4814 Cytovance Biologics Receives Staged $22.5 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4815 North Plains Systems Secures Growth?Equity Investment?From Accel-KKR Anonymous Wireless News
4816 North Plains Systems, Inc.; North Plains Systems Receives Growth?Equity Investment?From Accel-KKR Anonymous Computer Weekly News
4817 appMobi; Prominent?Equity?Analyst and?InvestmentBanker Leland Westerfield Joins appMobi as CFO Anonymous Computer Weekly News
4818 Chi-X Europe and Russell?Investments?to Launch New European?Equity?Indices Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4819 GR Match Plans?Equity Investment?in TrueCar Anonymous Wireless News
4820 Investment?bankers, private?equity?firms to keep eyes open at NAB Show Zaller;?Joe Broadcast Engineering
4821 Russell?Investments; Chi-X Europe and Russell?Investments?to Launch New European?Equity?Indices Anonymous Technology News Focus
4822 Varian Medical Systems Agrees to?Equity Investment?and Obtains Option to Purchase Augmenix Anonymous Wireless News
4823 MD On-Line Reports?Equity Investment?from Abingworth Anonymous Wireless News
4824 S&P?Equity?Research Reports Q2 2011 Webinar: ’2011 Mid-Year?Investment?Outlook: Risks to the Forecast’ Anonymous Wireless News
4825 3M; Ecovative Announces?Equity Investment Anonymous Journal of Transportation
4826 Research and Markets Adds Report:?InvestmentsWorkbook: Principles of Portfolio and?EquityAnalysis (CFA Institute?Investment?Series) Anonymous Food and Beverage Close - Up
4827 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Janney Continues to Deepen?Equity?Research, Adding Senior Internet Analyst Richard Fetyko Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4828 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Jefferies Strengthens UK?Equity?Research Coverage Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4829 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Jefferies Adds to UK?Equity?Research Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4830 Southern California Gas Makes?Equity Investmentsin Tecogen Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4831 Khan?Investment?Management to Launch?Equity?Fund in Mongolia Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4832 Biotechnology; MedMira Receives New Andurja?Equity Investment?of $ 1.5 million Anonymous Defense & Aerospace Week
4833 -French strategic?investment?fund enters Bull’s?equity Anonymous Internet Business News
4834 -French strategic?investment?fund enters Bull’s?equity Anonymous Corporate IT Update
4835 Express-1 Files Definitive Proxy Materials Regarding Proposed?Equity Investment Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4836 Compass?Equity?Partners; Compass?Equity?Partners LLC CEP Announces Its?Investment?in Sibley Construction Services, Inc. Anonymous Technology News Focus
4837 Communications?Equity?Associates;?Investment?Firm Appoints New COO Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4838 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Jefferies Expands Global Technology, Internet, Media and Telecommunications?Equity?Research Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4839 Craton?Equity?Partners; Craton?Equity?Partners Leads $60 Million?Investment?in Bridgelux Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4840 Pinnergy Gets Minority?Equity Investment?from The Stephens Group, Completes Partial Recapitalization Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4841 Tianyi Medical Private?Equity?Fund Leads 250 Million RMB?Investment?in Asymchem Laboratories Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4842 Pinnergy Secures Minority?Equity Investment?from The Stephens Group and Closes Partial Recapitalization Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4843 MyInsuranceExpert.com Attains?Investment?from Rockbridge Growth?Equity Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4844 Investment?Companies; Pinnergy, Ltd. Receives Minority?Equity Investment?from The Stephens Group, LLC and Completes a Partial Recapitalization Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4845 Investment?Companies; JMP Group Announces Addition of Erik Suppiger as Senior?EquityResearch Analyst Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4846 XPO Logistics Completes?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4847 HgCapital sells Mondo Minerals to private?equity investment?group Feytis;?Alex Industrial Minerals
4848 Investment?Brokerage Companies; Capital Institutional Services, Inc. CAPIS Sees?EquityVolume Surge in August Anonymous Technology News Focus
4849 Turnbridge Capital Reports?Equity Investment?in Growth Recapitalization of Flare Anonymous Manufacturing Close - Up
4850 Infinisource, Inc.; Accel-KKR; Infinisource Receives Majority?Equity Investment?from Accel-KKR Anonymous Technology & Business Journal
4851 Vermeer Makes?Equity Investment Anonymous National Driller
4852 Pet360 Concludes Growth?Equity Investment?Led by Updata Partners Anonymous Wireless News
4853 Harris Williams & Company Advises Align Networks in General Atlantic’s Growth?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4854 LiveDeal Secures Term Sheet for Proposed $1.5M?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4855 Canada Pension Plan?Investment?Board Pays $1.8B in?Equity?for Stake in Westfield’s Centers Staff Reports EN
4856 MyInsuranceExpert.com Secures?Investment?from Rockbridge Growth?Equity Anonymous EN
4857 AuraSense Secures Series B?Equity Investment Anonymous EN
4858 Business?equity?fund makes first?investments Anonymous Planning
4859 NFL, Providence?Equity?Team on?Investments Anonymous Multichannel News
4860 EnCap?Investments?L.P.; EnCap Raises $2.5 Billion Private?Equity?Fund Anonymous Energy & Ecology
4861 EnCap?Investments?L.P.; EnCap Raises $2.5 Billion Private?Equity?Fund Anonymous Energy & Ecology Business
4862 EnCap?Investments?L.P.; EnCap Raises $2.5 Billion Private?Equity?Fund Anonymous Energy Business Journal
4863 EnCap?Investments?L.P.; EnCap Raises $2.5 Billion Private?Equity?Fund Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4864 EnCap?Investments?L.P.; EnCap Raises $2.5 Billion Private?Equity?Fund Anonymous Resource Week
4865 Universal Trailer Corporation; Universal Trailer Corporation Announces Completion of $45 Million?Equity?Capital Raising from Corporate Partners II, a Lazard Alternative?Investments?Fund Anonymous Agriculture Business Week
4866 Universal Trailer Corporation; Universal Trailer Corporation Announces Completion of $45 Million?Equity?Capital Raising from Corporate Partners II, a Lazard Alternative?Investments?Fund Anonymous Agriculture Week
4867 Nuveen?Investments; Nuveen Core?Equity?Alpha Fund Announces Updated Shareholder Meeting Agenda Anonymous Computer Business Week
4868 Nuveen?Investments; Nuveen Core?Equity?Alpha Fund Announces Updated Shareholder Meeting Agenda Anonymous Computer Weekly News
4869 The Yale Group, Inc.; The Yale Group Announces $4.75 Million?Equity Investment?in Road 9 Anonymous Computer Technology Journal
4870 The Yale Group, Inc.; The Yale Group Announces $4.75 Million?Equity Investment?in Road 9 Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4871 Nuveen?Investments; Nuveen Core?Equity?Alpha Fund Announces Updated Shareholder Meeting Agenda Anonymous Computer Technology Journal
4872 Nuveen?Investments; Nuveen Core?Equity?Alpha Fund Announces Updated Shareholder Meeting Agenda Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4873 Broadband Enterprises Gets $10 Million?Equity Investment?from Velocity Interactive Group Anonymous Wireless News
4874 Universal Trailer Corporation; Universal Trailer Corporation Announces Completion of $45 Million?Equity?Capital Raising from Corporate Partners II, a Lazard Alternative?Investments?Fund Anonymous Food & Farm Week
4875 Universal Trailer Corporation; Universal Trailer Corporation Announces Completion of $45 Million?Equity?Capital Raising from Corporate Partners II, a Lazard Alternative?Investments?Fund Anonymous Journal of Farming
4876 Techalt, Inc.; Techalt, Inc. Announces Financing Commitment from?Equity Investment?Firm Anonymous Journal of Robotics & Machine Learning
4877 The Yale Group, Inc.; The Yale Group Announces $4.75 Million?Equity Investment?in Road 9 Anonymous Information Technology Business
4878 Universal Trailer Corporation; Universal Trailer Corporation Announces Completion of $45 Million?Equity?Capital Raising from Corporate Partners II, a Lazard Alternative?Investments?Fund Anonymous Food Weekly Focus
4879 The Yale Group, Inc.; The Yale Group Announces $4.75 Million?Equity Investment?in Road 9 Anonymous Information Technology Newsweekly
4880 Techalt, Inc.; Techalt, Inc. Announces Financing Commitment from?Equity Investment?Firm Anonymous Robotics & Machine Learning
4881 Techalt, Inc.; Techalt, Inc. Announces Financing Commitment from?Equity Investment?Firm Anonymous Journal of Technology & Science
4882 Infinity?Equity; The Infinity I-China Fund Edges Closer to Its Newly Set $350 Million Target With a $50 Million?Investment?by the China Development Bank and IDB Group Anonymous Agriculture Business Week
4883 Infinity?Equity; The Infinity I-China Fund Edges Closer to Its Newly Set $350 Million Target With a $50 Million?Investment?by the China Development Bank and IDB Group Anonymous Agriculture Week
4884 Infinity?Equity; The Infinity I-China Fund Edges Closer to Its Newly Set $350 Million Target With a $50 Million?Investment?by the China Development Bank and IDB Group Anonymous Food & Farm Week
4885 Infinity?Equity; The Infinity I-China Fund Edges Closer to Its Newly Set $350 Million Target With a $50 Million?Investment?by the China Development Bank and IDB Group Anonymous Food Weekly Focus
4886 Infinity?Equity; The Infinity I-China Fund Edges Closer to Its Newly Set $350 Million Target With a $50 Million?Investment?by the China Development Bank and IDB Group Anonymous Journal of Farming
4887 austriamicrosystems AG; austriamicrosystems Completes?Equity Investment?in Micro Motor Manufacturer New Scale Technologies Anonymous Defense & Aerospace Week
4888 austriamicrosystems AG; austriamicrosystems Completes?Equity Investment?in Micro Motor Manufacturer New Scale Technologies Anonymous Defense & Aerospace Business
4889 Broadband Enterprises; Broadband Enterprises Receives $10 Million Strategic?Equity Investmentfrom Velocity Interactive Group Anonymous Electronics Business Journal
4890 Broadband Enterprises; Broadband Enterprises Receives $10 Million Strategic?Equity Investmentfrom Velocity Interactive Group Anonymous Electronics Newsweekly
4891 Broadband Enterprises; Broadband Enterprises Receives $10 Million Strategic?Equity Investmentfrom Velocity Interactive Group Anonymous Journal of Technology & Science
4892 Research and Markets:?Equity?Valuation: Models from Leading?Investment?Banks Anonymous M2 Presswire
4893 ATBS Gets?Equity Investment; Plans to Expand Services Bearth;?Daniel P Transport Topics
4894 Sorenson Capital; Sorenson Capital Becomes?Equity Investment?Partner with Michael’s Finer Meats and Seafoods Anonymous Agriculture Business Week
4895 Sorenson Capital; Sorenson Capital Becomes?Equity Investment?Partner with Michael’s Finer Meats and Seafoods Anonymous Agriculture Week
4896 Sorenson Capital; Sorenson Capital Becomes?Equity Investment?Partner with Michael’s Finer Meats and Seafoods Anonymous Food & Farm Week
4897 Sorenson Capital; Sorenson Capital Becomes?Equity Investment?Partner with Michael’s Finer Meats and Seafoods Anonymous Food Weekly Focus
4898 Sorenson Capital; Sorenson Capital Becomes?Equity Investment?Partner with Michael’s Finer Meats and Seafoods Anonymous Journal of Farming
4899 Westwood One Closes Second?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4900 Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc.; Adam Steinberg, Gaming Industry?Equity?Research Analyst at Morgan Joseph, Joins Firm’s?Investment?Banking Group Anonymous Journal of Mathematics
4901 Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc.; Adam Steinberg, Gaming Industry?Equity?Research Analyst at Morgan Joseph, Joins Firm’s?Investment?Banking Group Anonymous Journal of Technology & Science
4902 Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc.; Adam Steinberg, Gaming Industry?Equity?Research Analyst at Morgan Joseph, Joins Firm’s?Investment?Banking Group Anonymous Mathematics Week
4903 Morgan Joseph & Co. Inc.; Adam Steinberg, Gaming Industry?Equity?Research Analyst at Morgan Joseph, Joins Firm’s?Investment?Banking Group Anonymous News of Science
4904 Complinet; Complinet Group Announces $37 Million Private?Equity Investment?from Fidelity?EquityPartners Anonymous Computer Technology Journal
4905 Complinet; Complinet Group Announces $37 Million Private?Equity Investment?from Fidelity?EquityPartners Anonymous Computers, Networks & Communications
4906 Complinet; Complinet Group Announces $37 Million Private?Equity Investment?from Fidelity?EquityPartners Anonymous Information Technology Business
4907 Complinet; Complinet Group Announces $37 Million Private?Equity Investment?from Fidelity?EquityPartners Anonymous Information Technology Newsweekly
4908 Sencera Secures?Equity Investment Anonymous Wireless News
4909 Motorola makes?equity investment?in VirtualLogix Anonymous Telecomworldwire
4910 Dow Jones Financial Information Services: Dow Jones Launches New Database Tracking The World Of Private?Equity?Deals & Dealmakers; Dow Jones Private?Equity?Source Streamlines?InvestmentDeal-Sourcing & Due Diligence; Lets Users Search All Buyout & Growth Transactions,?InvestmentFirms & Companies in the U.S. & Europe Anonymous M2 Presswire
4911 Western Standard Energy Corp.; Western Standard Energy Corp. Announces $15 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy & Ecology
4912 First Reserve Corporation; First Reserve Corporation Makes $300 Million?Equity Investmentin Osage Bio Energy Anonymous Energy & Ecology
4913 Western Standard Energy Corp.; Western Standard Energy Corp. Announces $15 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy Business Journal
4914 First Reserve Corporation; First Reserve Corporation Makes $300 Million?Equity Investmentin Osage Bio Energy Anonymous Energy Business Journal
4915 Western Standard Energy Corp.; Western Standard Energy Corp. Announces $15 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy & Ecology Business
4916 First Reserve Corporation; First Reserve Corporation Makes $300 Million?Equity Investmentin Osage Bio Energy Anonymous Energy & Ecology Business
4917 First Reserve Corporation; First Reserve Corporation Makes $300 Million?Equity Investmentin Osage Bio Energy Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4918 Western Standard Energy Corp.; Western Standard Energy Corp. Announces $15 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy Weekly News
4919 Risk Integrated: Risk Integrated Introduces New?Investment?Analysis Tool to Boost Investor Confidence;?Equity?Analysis Module Addresses Need for Transparency and BaselII Compliance in Commercial Real Estate Anonymous M2 Presswire
4920 Western Standard Energy Corp.; Western Standard Energy Corp. Announces $15 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Resource Week
4921 First Reserve Corporation; First Reserve Corporation Makes $300 Million?Equity Investmentin Osage Bio Energy Anonymous Resource Week
4922 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Chemicals & Chemistry Business
4923 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Chemicals & Chemistry
4924 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Ecology, Environment & Conservation
4925 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Ecology, Environment & Conservation Business
4926 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy & Ecology
4927 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Energy & Ecology Business
4928 Row 44; Row 44 Secures $21 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Journal of Transportation
4929 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous News of Science
4930 ECORE International; Green Products Innovator ECORE International Attracts $29 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Journal of Technology & Science
4931 Row 44; Row 44 Secures $21 Million?Equity Investment Anonymous Transportation Business Journal
4932 Miyowa: Miyowa raises $8 Million in Additional Venture Capital Financing;?Investments?from Techfund and Credit Agricole Private?EquityValidates Miyowa’s Leadership in the Mobile Applications Market and Aids in Expansion to the U.S. and Singapore Anonymous M2 Presswire
4933 Private?Equity Investment?in the Information Industry: Customer Benefit or Concern? Hulser;?Richard P Online
4934 Biopharmaceuticals; Kamada Signs a $ 4 Million Private?Equity Investment?Agreement with Shavit Capital Fund Anonymous Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA
4935 Risk and required return assessments of?equitytimberland?investments?in the United States Cascio;?Anthony J;?Clutter;?Michael L Forest Products Journal
4936 Dewey & LeBoeuf: Dewey & Leboeuf Advises Citi On Private?Equity Investment?In ABC Anonymous M2 Presswire
4937 www.companiesandmarkets.com: American?Equity Investment?Life Holding - Financial and Strategic Analysis Review Anonymous M2 Presswire
4938 Research and Markets: Discover Operator and?Equity?Details for Major Gas Assets in Gabon Gas Markets?Investment?Opportunities, Market Analysis and Forecasts To 2020 Anonymous M2 Presswire
4939 Terremark Secures?Equity Investment?from VMware Anonymous Wireless News
4940 CPI Aerostructures, Inc.; CPI Aerostructures to Present at the Stephens Inc. Spring?InvestmentConference on June 3rd & the Noble Financial Capital Markets Fifth Annual?Equity?Conference on June 8th Anonymous Defense & Aerospace Week
4941 Brookside Technology Gets Additional?Equity Investment, Regains Compliance with Senior Credit Facility Anonymous Wireless News
4942 Companies and Markets: Private?Equity, Hedge Funds &?Investment?Vehicles in the US Anonymous M2 Presswire
4943 Microvision Secures?Equity Investment?from Walsin Lihwa Anonymous Wireless News
4944 GIB announces two?equity investments?in UK offshore wind Anonymous Ocean News & Technology
4945 Subsea Global Solutions Expands With?Equity Investment Anonymous Sea Technology
4946 Patxi’s Pizza gets boost from private?equity investment Jennings;?Lisa Nation's Restaurant News
4947 Essentia Water secures private?equity investment Anonymous Beverage Industry
4948 Dexter & Chaney receives private?equity investment Anonymous Snips
4949 The pros and cons of private?equity investment Breen;?Stuart;?Robertson;?Andrew The Northern Miner
4950 Make Out concept gets early?equity investment Jennings;?Lisa Nation's Restaurant News
4951 Uncle Maddio’s receives?equity investment Jennings;?Lisa Nation's Restaurant News
4952 Investment?Companies; JMP Group Announces Addition of Shawn Severson as?Equity?Research Analyst Anonymous Ecology, Environment & Conservation
4954 JDA announces $570 million?equity investment Anonymous Modern Materials Handling
4955 BillerudKorsnas Venture Makes?Equity Investmentin Kezzler Wireless News
4956 Highlander Partners, L.P.; Highlander Partners Expands?Investments?into Tech Sector; Adds Technology Veteran Rashid Skaf to Private?EquityTeam Journal of Engineering
4957 Express Inn Hotel: Hotel opportunity: Selling 50%?equity?for $1M, Operating & managing partners takes no salary, strictly profit &?equity?driven. Investors receive 100% of profit until?investmentis recouped. 3-5 year hold term. M2 Presswire
4958 Palladium?Equity?Partners, Llc; Palladium?EquityPartners Announces Significant?Investment?in Del Real Foods, a Leading, Family-Owned Hispanic Food Company Food Weekly News
4959 Phoenix Wrappers Highlights?Equity Investmentfrom Vopne Capital Manufacturing Close - Up
4960 10th Magnitude Secures?Equity Investment?from Pamlico Capital Wireless News
4961 S. A. Damm Makes?Equity Investment?in USB Anonymous Beverage World
4962 Private?equity investment?in power generation projects: evidence from India A Thillairajan;?Monalisa Behera International Journal of Energy Sector Management
4963 Business News; Ygrene Secures $95 Million?Equity Investment?from Lightyear to Support Nationwide Expansion of Energy Efficiency and Climate Resiliency Financing Program Energy Weekly News
4964 Crushed Red lands?equity investment Jonathan Maze;?Jonathan Maze Nation's Restaurant News
4965 SLANT Energy; SLANT Energy Forms with $30 Million?Equity?Commitment from Pearl Energy?Investments Energy Weekly News
4967 CHEVRON MAKES?EQUITY INVESTMENT?IN NOVVI; CELEBRATES 100 YEARS Anonymous Tribology & Lubrication Technology
4968 Corning Makes?Equity Investment?in Menlo Micro Anonymous Ceramic Industry
4969 DWS?Investments; The Central Europe, Russia and Turkey Fund, Inc., The European?Equity?Fund, Inc. and The New Germany Fund, Inc. Issue Announcement Regarding Recent Settlements Involving Deutsche Bank and its Affiliates Politics & Government Business
4970 Offensive Security; Spectrum?Equity?Leads?Investment?in Offensive Security to Grow Community of Highly Skilled Penetration Testers Computer Weekly News
4971 Accel-KKR; Seequent announces growth?equity investment?with Accel-KKR Journal of Engineering
4972 Mettle Midstream Partners Llc; Mettle Midstream Secures $100 Million Initial?Equity?Commitment From Pearl Energy?Investments?and Natural Gas Partners Energy Weekly News
4973 Strata Fund Solutions FTV Capital and StepStone Group; Strata Fund Solutions Closes Significant Growth?Equity Investment?from FTV Capital Journal of Engineering
4974 FirstEnergy Corp.; FirstEnergy Announces Transformational $2.5 Billion?Equity Investment Energy Weekly News
4975 1Derrick; Rising Private?Equity Investment?Fuels Surging US Oil and Gas Production, M&A Activity Energy Weekly News
4976 Scottish Production Optimization Company Secures?Investment?from EV Private?Equity Anonymous Sea Technology
4977 Astadia; Astadia Announces a Majority?Investmentby Spring Lake?Equity?Partners Computers, Networks & Communications
4978 Canadian Solar Inc.; Recurrent Energy Secures Financing and Tax?Equity Investment?for North Carolina Project from Prudential Capital Group and U.S. Bank Energy Weekly News
4979 White Paper Addresses Transmission?InvestmentReturns on?Equity Anonymous Electric Perspectives
4980 Siemens announces?equity investment?in Wi-Tronix Anonymous International Railway Journal
4981 Delacon and Cargill announce strategic?equity investment National Hog Farmer
4982 BID Group closes on private?equity investment Anonymous Canadian Forest Industries
4983 Flat Creek Resources LLC; Flat Creek Resources Announces $400 Million?Equity?Commitment from EnCap?Investments?L.P. and Management Energy Weekly News
4984 Palladium?Equity?Partners Llc; Palladium?EquityPartners Announces?Investment?in Partnership with Family Founders of Quirch Foods, a Leading Food Distributor Based in Miami, FL Food Weekly News
4985 Investments?save the day for the AHA. Membership revenue continued decline in 1999, but?equityreturn, Health Forum paid off. Bellandi D Modern Healthcare
4986 Parental?investment: how an?equity?motive can produce inequality. Hertwig Ralph;?Davis Jennifer Nerissa;?Sulloway Frank J Psychological Bulletin
4987 Private?equity investment?and nursing home care: is it a big deal? Stevenson David G;?Grabowski David C Health Affairs Web Exclusives
4988 Private?equity investment?in health care services. Robbins Catherine J;?Rudsenske Todd;?Vaughan James S Health Affairs Web Exclusives
4989 Private?equity investment?in home health care: is the window of opportunity beginning to close? Braff Dexter W Caring (Washington)
4990 Private?equity investment?in health care companies: eleven steps to an effective health care regulatory diligence review. Becker Scott;?Mikula Alison Vratil Health care law monthly
4991 An insight into the options available for?equity investment. Hartman V Hospital medicine (London, England : 1998)
4992 Exporting?equity?models. U.K. docs targeted for?investments?in surgery centers. Kertesz L Modern healthcare
4993 Dermatology Practice Consolidation Fueled by Private?Equity Investment: Potential Consequences for the Specialty and Patients. Resneck Jack S JAMA dermatology
4994 Financialisation in health care: An analysis of private?equity?fund?investments?in Turkey. Eren Vural Ipek Social science & medicine (1982)
4995 The Sovereign Wealth Fund Discount: Evidence from Public?Equity Investments Bernardo Bortolotti;?Veljko Fotak;?William L. Megginson Review of Financial Studies
4996 Risk and Expected Returns of Private?Equity Investments: Evidence Based on Market Prices Narasimhan Jegadeesh;?Roman Kraussl;?Joshua M. Pollet Review of Financial Studies
4997 Abstract: An Analysis of the Erosion of Shareholder?Equity?among Short-Term Real Estate?Investment?Trusts Brian M. Neuberger;?Michael A. Hughes Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
4998 Investment?Opportunities and the Market Reaction to?Equity?Offerings David J. Denis Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
4999 Foreign Ownership Restrictions and?Equity?Price Premiums: What Drives the Demand for Cross-Border?Investments? Warren Bailey;?Y. Peter Chung;?Jun-koo Kang Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
5000 Giants at the Gate:?Investment?Returns and Diseconomies of Scale in Private?Equity Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes;?Ludovic Phalippou;?Oliver Gottschalg Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
5001 Inter-organizational relationships and firm performance: A study of the US?equityunderwriting market in the?investment?banking industry Yi-Ju Lo;?Tung Min Hung Journal of Management & Organization
5002 Investment?and the Return to?Equity?Capital in the South African Gold Mining Industry 1887–1965: An International Comparison Richard B. Du Boff The Journal of Economic History
5003 Intergenerational?Equity, a Savings?InvestmentRule, and the Efficient Allocation of an Exhaustible Resource Wolfgang Buchholz Jahrbücher für National?konomie und Statistik
5004 Threshold Asymmetries in?Equity?Return Distributions: Statistical Tests and?InvestmentImplications Emre Yoldas Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics
5005 Research on Angel?Investments: The Intersection of?Equity Investments?and Entrepreneurship Ramona Zachary;?Chandra S. Mishra Entrepreneurship Research Journal
5006 Private?Investments?in Public?Equity?(PIPEs) – A Closer Look at PIPE Transactions in Switzerland Frank Gerhard European Company and Financial Law Review
5007 Private?Equity?Premium and Aggregate Uncertainty in a Model of Uninsurable?Investment?Risk Francisco Covas;?Shigeru Fujita The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
5008 Equity Investments?vs. Debt?Investments?– What Drives OFDI in Polish Industry Agnieszka K?ysik-Uryszek Przedsiebiorczosc i Zarzadzanie
5009 Students’ perceived risk and?investmentintention: the effect of brand?equity Macías Washington;?Espinoza Shirley;?Gutiérrez Lisset;?Rodríguez Regina Management & Marketing
5010 What Drives Private?Equity Investments?in Romania? Mihai Precup Studia Universitatis ?Vasile Goldis” Arad – Economics Series
5011 Venture Capital and Private?Equity InvestmentPreferences in Selected Countries Krzystof Dziekoński;?S?awomir Ignatiuc e-Finanse
5012 Venture Capital and Private?Equity InvestmentStrategies in Selected European Countries Krzysztof Dziekoński;?S?awomir Ignatiuk e-Finanse
5013 Degree of Convergence of the Efficiency of the Polish?Equity Investment?Funds Obtained with Measures Based on the Sharpe Ratio Sylwester Kozak e-Finanse
5014 PIPE?investments?in UK listed companies—an?equity?capital raising alternative Ian Hamilton;?John Newton Capital Markets Law Journal
5015 Mutual funds that invest in private?equity? An analysis of labour-sponsored?investment?funds Douglas J. Cumming;?Jeffrey G. MacIntosh Cambridge Journal of Economics
5016 我国上市公司高管特征对投资效率影响的实证研究—基于股权激励的调节效应 林庭谣;?胡晓宇;?牛霞 国际会计前沿
5018 EQUITY INVESTMENT?STRATEGIES: THE CASE OF CROATIA Tajana Barbi?;?Iva ?ondi? -Jurki? Economic Research
5019 The Sovereign Wealth Fund Discount: Evidence from Public?Equity Investments Bortolotti Bernardo;?Fotak Veljko;?Megginson William L. Review of Financial Studies

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